Weiss, D., Lowenstein, C., Sund, E., Vethe, D., & Krokstad, S. (2024). Diverging mental health trends in the post-pandemic era: results from the HUNT study, Norway. Forthcoming, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.
Lowenstein, C. (2024). “Deaths of despair” over the business cycle: New estimates from a shift-share instrumental variables approach. Economics & Human Biology, 101374.
Innstrand, S. T., Banks, C., Maslach, C., & Lowenstein, C. (2023). Healthy universities: Exploring the relationship between psychosocial needs and work-related health among university employees. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 38(2), 103-126.
Dow, W. H., Godøy, A., Lowenstein, C., & Reich, M. (2020). Can labor market policies reduce deaths of despair?. Journal of Health Economics, 74, 102372.
White, J. S., Lowenstein, C., Srivirojana, N., Jampaklay, A., & Dow, W. H. (2020). Incentive programmes for smoking cessation: cluster randomized trial in workplaces in Thailand. BMJ, 371.
Lowenstein, C., Dow, W. H., & White, J. S. (2020). Peer effects in smoking cessation: An instrumental variables analysis of a worksite intervention in Thailand. SSM-Population Health, 12, 100659.
Lowenstein, C., Vasco, K., Sarzosa, S., Salinas, L., Torres, A., Perry, M. J., ... & Graham, J. P. (2020). Determinants of childhood zoonotic enteric infections in a semirural community of Quito, Ecuador. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 102(6), 1269.
Lowenstein, C., Waters, W. F., Roess, A., Leibler, J. H., & Graham, J. P. (2016). Animal husbandry practices and perceptions of zoonotic infectious disease risks among livestock keepers in a rural parish of Quito, Ecuador. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 95(6), 1450.
Selected research reports
Woolf, Steven H., Laudon Aron, Derek A. Chapman, Lisa Dubay, Emily Zimmerman, Lauren C. Snellings, Lindsey Hall, Amber D. Haley, Nihkil Holla, Kristen Ayers, Christopher Lowenstein, and Timothy A. Waidmann. 2016. The Health of the States Summary Report: How US States Compare in Health Status and the Factors that Shape Health. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
Simms, Margaret, Marla McDaniel, Saunji D. Fyffe and Christopher Lowenstein. 2015. Structural Barriers to Racial Equity in Pittsburgh: Expanding Economic Opportunity for African American Men and Boys. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
Mills, Gregory B. and Christopher Lowenstein. 2015. Assessing the Merits of Photo EBT Cards in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
McDaniel, Marla, Mark Courtney, Mike Pergamit, and Christopher Lowenstein. 2015. Preparing for a ‘Next Generation’ Evaluation of Independent Living Programs for Youth in Foster Care. OPRE Report # 2014-71. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, US Department of Health and Human Services.
Edelstein, Sara and Christopher Lowenstein. 2014. Characteristics and Impacts of Programs for Youth Transitioning out of Foster Care, Issue Brief 2: Financial Literacy and Asset Building Programs. OPRE Report # 2014-69. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, US Department of Health and Human Services.
Edelstein, Sara and Christopher Lowenstein. 2014. Characteristics and Impacts of Programs for Youth Transitioning out of Foster Care, Issue Brief 3: Employment. OPRE Report # 2014-70. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, US Department of Health and Human Services.
Turner, Margery Austin, Peter Edelman, Erika C. Poethig, Laudan Y. Aron, Matthew Rogers, and Christopher Lowenstein. 2014. Tacking Persistent Poverty in Distressed Urban Neighborhoods. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
McDaniel, Marla and Christopher Lowenstein. 2013. Depression in Low-Income Mothers of Young Children: Are they getting the treatment they need? Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
A way out from rock bottom: Economic policies can reduce deaths of despair. VoxEU/CEPR Column. July 7, 2019.
Aiding low-wage workers is a matter of life and death — literally. The Hill Opinion Column. May 5, 2016.
Adding photos to food stamp cards would not reduce benefit trafficking. Urban Wire. March 26, 2015.
Major Gaps In Treatment for Low-Income Mothers with Depression Put Kids at Risk. Urban Wire. April 17, 2013.
Media mentions
On the socioeconomic gradient in opioid-related overdose in Canada, in Medscape Medical News (Article by Kate Johnson; July 18, 2022)
On the role of the minimum wage and EITC as policies to reduce "deaths of despair", in The Journalists Resource (Article by Clark Merrefield; January 19, 2022)
On the life-saving impact of increasing the minimum wage, in The Daily Cal (article by Annika Costantino; November 23, 2020)